
Taking over the world… one pineapple at a time.

“Are you a fan of delicious flavor?” – Psych June 2, 2012

Filed under: Pineapples — rachelspineapples @ 7:20 pm

Now, if you are reading this, you’re probably wondering, “Why pineapples?”.

Pineapple Vacation

Had I been actually asked this question my immediate response would obviously be a resounding, “Why not?” I mean, lets’ face it. They are beautiful to look at.

Pinapples are only better when found in slices...

Gorgeous yellow. A treat for the taste buds. Juicy. On top of all that, they have the best name ever. Pine… beautiful trees that I absolutely adore. Evergreen.  Apples… a lovely fruit that comes in a variety of colors. Apparently one a day keeps doctors at bay, and apples are the celebrity fruit (e.g. Snow White). Though I suppose Snow White would have adamantly objected to that age-old phrase. I feel bad for her. If she would have just had a thing for PINEapples she may not have gotten into that mess in the first place. Don’t worry. Her prince would have found her anyway.

Snow White and the Apple of Death.

Moving on… I’m not saying that if a pine tree and an apple tree interbred that the offspring would resemble ANYTHING kin to a pineapple, but I’m sure it would be almost as amazing as the pineapples I refer to. So what do you say?…

Shawn and his pineapple.